Viet Anh Phung

Data Engineer | Software Engineer | Photographer


My Portfolio

More about me


Call me Connor!

yes, that's right, I also go by Connor

I'm on a mission to use my technical skills to bring values to others so let's create something together!
I take street photos and passionate about psychology.
I also enjoy making new friends and truly value meaningful relationships. Especially if you like ducks then we can be friends instantly!
Hmm... I think it's kinda an obsession but I'm working on it.

Data Engineer: 100%

Software Engineer: definitely!

Freelance Web Developer: yes!!!

Freelance Photographer: no doubt!

My skills

Python, Pandas, Data Ingestion 95%

SQL databases 90%

AWS Cloud Infrastructures 85%

Terrafrom, Airflow, Docker 75%

ReactJS, JavaScripts 65%

Ability to learn quickly 100%