Viet Anh Phung

Data Engineer | Software Engineer | Photographer


My Portfolio

More about me


Call me Connor!

I'm on a mission to use my technical skills to bring values to others so let's create something together!
I also like to learn and experiment with new technical roles
I obsess with taking street photography and learning about psychology.
I also enjoy making new friends and truly value meaningful relationships. Especially if you like ducks then we can be friends instantly! (I think it's kinda an obsession but I'm working on it.)

Data Engineer: 100%

Software Engineer: definitely!

Freelance Photographer: passionately

My skills

Python, and libraries 95%

SQL databases 80%

AWS Cloud Infrastructures 65%

Terrafrom, Airflow, Docker 65%

ReactJS, JavaScripts 65%

Ability to learn quickly 100%